Are you a crossword buff looking for a challenging clue to solve? Well, look no further because we have a doozy for you: « Agreements in AIIMS or interests » crossword clue. This clue may seem tough at first glance, but with a little bit of knowledge and strategy, you`ll be able to solve it and impress your fellow puzzlers.

To start, let`s break down the clue into its individual parts. « AIIMS » refers to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, a premier medical research and educational institution in India. « Agreements » and « interests » are both general terms that could refer to a variety of things, but we can assume that they are related to AIIMS in some way.

One approach to solving this clue is to consider the possible meanings of « agreements » and « interests » in the context of AIIMS. For example, AIIMS may have agreements with other institutions for research collaborations or agreements with pharmaceutical companies for clinical trials. « Interests » could refer to AIIMS` areas of research or academic focus, such as public health, genetics, or neurology.

Another strategy is to think about possible synonyms for « agreements » and « interests » that fit the crossword puzzle format. For example, « pacts » might be a synonym for « agreements, » while « specialties » or « fields » could be synonyms for « interests. »

Lastly, don`t forget to use any other clues or letters you have available to help you solve the crossword. Look for intersecting words that might share common letters with « agreements » or « interests. » If you`re still stuck, consider asking a crossword-savvy friend for help or using an online crossword solver.

In conclusion, the « Agreements in AIIMS or interests » crossword clue may seem challenging, but with a bit of creative thinking and problem-solving, you can crack it and add another crossword victory to your collection. Happy puzzling!